Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) Type Approval


Caterpods are pleased and proud to announce that following significant investment & many sleepless nights, they have now secured full European Type Approval on all of their Trailers from the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) in Coventry.

Back in October 2012 the ‘Vehicle and Operator Services Agency’ (VOSA) introduced new legislation covering all trailer manufacturing in the UK and Europe – this covers private individuals wishing to make their own trailers as well as commercial trailer manufacturers and importers. Whilst it is possible for any person to make a trailer, each trailer must either hold a European type approval or be taken to a VOSA testing station for an ‘Individual Vehicle Approval’ (IVA).

Type Approval is generally sought by large scale Vehicle Manufacturers looking to market across Europe.  Even though relatively small size, with the big plans that we have to becom
e Europe’s largest supplier of this type of product, the investment to secure approval was deemed critical.

Quality assurance for the Consumer is also backed up by the approval, as the VCA who carried out the testing are responsible for monitoring and testing all vehicles that are on UK roads (including cars, lorries, motorbikes etc)